Yes, all goods on offer from us undergo a thorough inspection and only authentic pieces of high-end brands will get listed. A 100% guarantee of originality is our priority.

We only accept handbags and accessories for sale in excellent or good condition, without major defects or damage. We evaluate the condition of goods very precisely and it is stated on tags in our store and e-shop in the profile for each product. The amount corresponds to the final discount. We often offer unworn goods, which are in the same condition in which you bring them from a branded boutique, in which case they are marked with the full number of stars.

Yes, all goods are carefully cleaned before listing for sale and offered in the best possible condition. If goods are uncleanable, the soilage is thoroughly photographed and noted in the description.

We offer goods as entrusted to us. If a dust cover, box or certificate is included, everything is photographed and included in the item profile. If the original packaging is not included, we will place it in a dust-proof bag or other Luxury Bags covering. In some cases it is possible to purchase original packaging if we have it in stock. We also provide a Luxury Bags certificate of authenticity for each item. 

Yes, we clean all newly received goods precisely and then take detailed photos. So, the photographs always capture the real state of the item. 

It is possible to pay in cash in CZK, Euros or US dollars. We also accept payment cards. If you order from our e-shop, you can choose by bank transfer, online payment or cash on delivery (cash on delivery is available only in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, in cash or by card.) 

If you order goods from our e-shop, have them delivered and you would like to return them for any reason, you have the option to send them back or bring them to our store in person within a 14-day return period. In the case of goods purchased directly at the store, we do not offer a return.

We will return the payment to your bank account within 14 days of withdrawal from the contract. You can also keep the money in your account for later purchase in our store. 

If you choose to pay cash on delivery or by card, we mail the goods the same or next working day. If you choose a payment by bank transfer, we wait for the payment  to be credited in and as soon as we receive it we mail the item the very same or next working day. The delivery usually takes 1-2 days in the Czech Republic, 2 days to Slovakia, 3-4 days for the rest of the EU. 

Transport costs from CZK 120 to CZK 250 in the Czech Republic. For delivery abroad, prices vary from 8 to 27 EUR. You will see the final price after placing the goods in the basket and selecting the method of delivery. 

Yes of course. As soon as we send out the goods you will receive an email with the shipment number and link to track it. 

We provide a 12-month warranty on all our goods, which covers hidden defects.  We always try to resolve any issue. 

The original Lxury Bags tag means that you have received carefully cleaned and authentic goods from our store. If you decide to return the goods, please do not remove the tag. 

You can bring your handbags and accessories in person or send them by post to the address of our store together with a short letter. Please include the following information: name, address, telephone number, email address, birth number and ID card number. 

As soon as you mail us your items, we will get back to you with a proposal of sales prices for the goods. If you agree, we will list the goods and if we sell your items you will receive money to your bank account. 

If you do not agree with the suggested prices, we will return the goods to you after you pay for the shipping cost. If the goods are not for sale, damaged or non-original, we will also return them to you after paying the postage. 

We check the originality of all goods immediately at the store, then they go through another much more detailed verification. Imitations or goods we cannot confirm 100% originality, we will not accept for sale at all, and return within a couple of days after undergoing a careful examination. You don't have to worry about any fees. We perform verification during the sale for free. 

We have many years of experience with the sale of luxury goods and we will therefore recommend only the price at which it is possible to sell. The selling  price of goods depends mainly on the condition, age, color, current trends and marketability of the model in the past. 

Direct purchase is a faster way of selling, in which we will pay you immediately. In a commission sale, you are paid after the sale, but it is always a higher amount. 

We accept handbags and accessories, such as scarves, belts, wallets, shoes, jewelry, custom jewelry and exceptionally, clothing. We accept goods without defects, in excellent or good condition. You can find a list of brands that we accept on our website. 

Most of the items we accept for commission sales can also be purchased directly, but the amounts can be significantly lower. The best prices are given for the newer models of handbags and accessories from Louis Vuitton, Prada, Gucci, Dior and Burberry.

Each piece goes through the hands of many employees before we list it on our site. Each new product must be thoroughly checked and be confirmed as original, cleaned, described in detail, measured, weighed and photographed. This whole process usually takes a week. 

We will recommend you a realistic price at which it should be sold within 1 to 2 months. 

The goods can be visible on our website until someone reserves, orders or buys them.

In the case of a reservation, we usually wait 2-3 business days, during which the goods will be either purchased or the reservation will be cancelled.

When ordering goods via internet, the total time before sending you payment for the goods may take 17 - 21 days, mainly due to the legal deadline for returning the goods. 

All goods in our offer are carefully cleaned, photographed in detail and protected by a special tag, which cannot be removed without damaging it. We always carefully check returned goods.  We therefore guarantee that we will either sell your goods quickly or return them to you in the same condition in which you entrusted them to us.

In the first 2 months it is only possible to take goods back if you pay the cancellation fee in the amount of your commission price.  After a 2-month period, it is not a problem to take your goods back at any time for free. 

When your goods are sold and payment is ready for you to pick up, you will receive an SMS message and an email from us. You can then withdraw the money at any time. It is not necessary to inform us in advance (unless it is higher than CZK 30,000). 

You will receive money if you present yourself with your ID. It is not necessary to bring a contract.

It is possible, but it is necessary to send us an email in advance with the name and birth number of the authorized person, who will then present us with his/her ID or passport at the store. 

If you bring the goods in to us in person, it is also necessary to collect the money for the sale in person. The money can be sent to the account of our customers who do not live in Prague or cannot come to our store. The deadline for sending the payment is up to 30 days. 

It is very unlikely for a such a thing to happen. In any case, by signing the commission contract, we confirm that we will pay you the amount for the final sale or we will return the goods to you in the condition in which you entrusted them to us.