Sell your luxury handbags and fashion accessories with us
Luxurious handbags and fashion items you are not wearing don’t have to necessarily hang in your closet anymore.
Kind of goods we accept
Handbags, shoes, luggage, accessories, jewelry and clothing (we accept only coats, jackets, vests and sweaters, possibly shirts). Items cannot be in any way damaged or worn out, scarfs and clothing must have been washed or dry-cleaned. In the case that goods don’t have their labels or we cannot prove their authenticity we won’t be able to accept.

How does it work
You can bring the items to our store yourself or send them via mail or courier.
If you are going to send us goods for sale by mail or courier, we will ask you to fill out a form with your name, address, phone number and email.
Please complete it and insert it in the package.
If we decide to keep and sell your items, we will contact you either with the selling price for consignment sale or price for purchase, which we pay immediately.
In the case of commission we will have a contract for consignment sale and you will receive the agreed amount shortly after that, once we sell.
Every item after its admission is very closely searched for originality, expertly cleaned, photographed in detail, described and put on our website and displayed in store.
Minimum time for consignment sale is 2 months. IF you’d like to get your items back sooner, a fee is charged according to our contact agreement.
A discount for selling your handbag towards buying a new one
If you would like to sell your handbag and accept the immediate purchase, you can apply a discount of 10% from the selling price*.
For example, if we purchase a handbag from you for 10.000CZK, you could use a discount of 1.000CZK towards your new handbag.
* This is not applicable later or retroactively.