Beware of fakes
Counterfeit luxury handbags are getting into the czech market. Do not get fooled!
It has come to our attention that in the past couple of months there has been a rapid increase in sales od very well-made replicas of luxury handbags which are, for a nonprofessional, very hard to tell apart from the original handbags.
Counterfeit Handbags could cost thousands, but the value is none. One of the biggest places to buy a replica handbag is Instagram, Facebook, second-hand shops and fake e-shops.
Unfortunately nowadays you can come across falsified receipts, certificates of origin, gift boxes or paper shopping bags.
Inexperienced e-shops, resellers or personal shoppers are not able to guarantee 100% the origin and authenticity.

Its value
What is the difference between an authentic designer bag and a replica?
The answer couldn’t be more simple - the quality of every detail. Not everybody is able to see those differences, and most of the people are not able to notice them at all. The leather and fabric quality, precise stitching and high standards in production of these items is legitimately transferred to its price and value. These luxurious handbags are of such high-quality, that you can wear them for many years, decades or generations.
While making replica handbags, the quality is not the issue, the illusion is. The purpose is to precisely copy the original piece. And they don’t care about the quality, symmetry and consistency of stitching, technology or even child labour. While the original piece could be a great investment, a replica is only lost money. Our team at Luxury Bags with many years of expertise and experience is able to guarantee the originality of all items we offer. Every team member has to always agree explicitly with every item we accept to sell. In the case of the slightest doubt, even if it’s only a small manufacturing defect, we won’t accept the item.